From Android 6.0 only dangerous permissions are checked at runtime, normal permissions are not. An example of a normal permission is android.permission.INTERNET. Dangerous permissions are grouped into categories that make it easier for the user to underst 23/06/2020 · If your app needs a dangerous permission, you must check whether you have that permission every time you perform an operation that requires that permission. On Android 6.0 (API level 23) and higher, users can revoke dangerous permissions from any app at any time. Note: Don't check for or request permissions when the user opens your app. Instead, wait until the user selects or opens the feature that requires a particular permission. Quand j'ajoute le permission suivante dans mon fichier manifest :
App permissions are one of the most important privacy features on your Android phone. Here's everything you need to know about permissions and how to properly use them! Dell Technologies Cyber Savings Event - Up to 45% off Source: Joe Maring / Android Central There are a lot of components that go in
Lorsque vous installez une application provenant de Google Play sur un appareil équipé d'Android 6.0 ou version ultérieure, ou sur un Chromebook, vous pouvez contrôler ce que l'on appelle les "autorisations" de cette application (autrement dit, les fonctionnalités ou les informations auxquelles celle-ci peut accéder). L’utilisation du protocole MQTT suppose que l’on ait un accès réseau. Pour cela, on va attribuer les permissions INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE et WAKE_LOCK à l’application Android dans son fichier AndroidManifest.xml. On ajoutera aussi le service MqttService. Exemple : if just using internet then use-
permission 0.1.7. Published Mar 4, 2020. Flutter Android iOS. 13. → package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
Прочитал в доках Android про Runtime Permissions и понял, что, возможно, проблема кроется в том, что android.permission.INTERNET является опасным разрешением и придется дописывать пару методов для запроса разрешения во время исполнения Some permissions, such as android.permission.INTERNET and android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE was granted to all of the VPN apps automatically. However, in this list, there were also “dangerous” permissions that could potentially compromise Android user privacy, these were related to getting access to your precise location, device name, your phone … android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE; android.permission.INTERNET; android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; android.permission.WAKE_LOCK; android.permission.WRITE 4,